Welcome to Intu-Soul Wellness

Receive intuitive-focused guidance into your soul.

Learn to recognize and embrace your individual differences.


Intu-Soul Wellness is a place to connect, to learn, to be inspired…

A place to remind you to nurture your body, mind and spirit…

Take care of YOU, on a mental level, on a physical level, on a spiritual level, on a social level. On a HOLISTIC level.

You were born into this world for a reason, for a purpose. Find that purpose. Find that passion. Live your best life, through optimal lifestyle choices.

Travel into your soul to find your best self.

Imagine yourself walking through a beautiful forest, all the while, picking up “pieces” of good nutrition, laughter, positivity and all the other pieces required to complete the puzzle of your best life.

If you are anything like me, you have realized that as a society, we need to return to our roots. Let’s get back to the basics.


Let’s take a look at the following image together:

The 3 heart-shaped candle holders in this image represent the 3 pillars of holistic nutrition:


We must strive to maintain balance and to ensure the body-mind-spirit connection is strong and healthy.

Let’s work together to address body systems imbalances with the overall goal of achieving optimal health.


Change Your Relationship With Food and Your Body

I AM a GEM: Intuitive and Mindful Go Eat Mentality

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